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A. R. Shaw is often busy developing the next end of the world as we know it plot and she has a few helpers. If you have any questions at all, one of them will certainly reach out.


Born and raised in the South Texas, A. R. Shaw has always been a lover of the written word and an avid reader. She has a passion for creating stories that focus on everyday life in a post-apocalyptic world. Shaw has crafted many stories that are sure to keep readers guessing until the very last page.

A. R. Shaw post-apocalyptic world


The library experience has certainly changed since the seventies... And now instead of filling your home with paperbacks, you can now download the entire book on your phone. It's a little bit of a learning curve but it works for those who love to read. A. R. Shaw Books utilizes Bookfunnel for digital downloads. And if you ever lose a digital can always go right up the My Library tab at the top of the page website and use your original email address to log in and retrieve you library of apocalyptic goodness. 

A. R. Shaw post-apocalyptic world